
Showing posts from September, 2013

important facts about solar power energy

fact 1 : Every hour the sun beams onto Earth more than enough energy to satisfy global energy needs for an entire year. Solar energy is the technology used to harness the sun's energy and make it useable. Today, the technology produces less than one tenth of one percent of global energy demand. fact 2 : Many people are familiar with so-called photovoltaic cells, or solar panels, found on things like spacecraft, rooftops, and handheld calculators. The cells are made of semiconductor materials like those found in computer chips. When sunlight hits the cells, it knocks electrons loose from their atoms. As the electrons flow through the cell, they generate electricity. fact 3 : On a much larger scale, solar thermal power plants employ various techniques to concentrate the sun's energy as a heat source. The heat is then used to boil water to drive a steam turbine that generates electricity in much the same fashion as coal and nuclear power plants, supplying electricity for thousands

Top 5 interesting facts about films

fact 1 : In the 1950s, 3-D films were known as ‘deepies’. fact 2 : Women make 25% of the films in Iran, compared to 4% in the US. fact 3 : The huge gong that was struck before Rank films was made of papier mâché. fact 4 : In the film industry, a ‘mickey’ is a gentle camera move forwards. It’s short for ‘Mickey Rooney’ (a ‘little creep’). fact 5 : To avoid being caught on film by a speed camera, you would have to be travelling at 28,000 miles per hour.

improtant 7 weird facts about eyes

fact 1 : On a clear, moonless night the human eye can detect a match being struck 50 miles away. fact 2 : The human eye can detect 10 million different shades of colour. fact 3 : All blue-eyed people are mutants. The first ones appeared as recently as 5,000 years ago. fact 4 : An octopus can ooze through an opening no bigger than its own eyeball. fact 5 : Beavers have transparent eyelids so theycan see underwater with their eyes shut. fact 6 : If all the time our eyes are shut when blinking is added together, we spend 1.2 years of our waking lives in pitch darkness. fact 7 : The trap-jaw ant has the fastest bite in the world: its jaws close 2,300 times faster than a blink of an eye. fact 8 : Scallops have up to 100 eyes.

Top 7 interesting important facts about Europe

fact 1 : One in ten European babies is conceived in an IKEA bed. fact 2 : More people go to church on Sunday in China than in the whole of Europe. fact 3 : New York City drifts about one inch away from Europe every year. fact 4 : Britain is the windiest country in Europe. fact 5 : Athens is the only capital city in Europe where the air is more polluted outside than inside. fact 6 : The cost of fighting a libel action in the UK is 140 times greater than the European average. fact 7 : The UK is the fattest nation in the European Union and the 28th-fattest in the world.

five interesting facts about electricity

Top five interesting facts about electricity  1- 10% of US electricity is made from dismantled Soviet atomic bombs. 2- All the batteries on Earth store just ten minutes of the world’s electricity needs. 3- A typical microwave oven uses more electricity keeping its digital clock on standby than it does heating food. 4- A single zinc mine in Namibia uses a fifth of the country’s electricity supply. 5- 40% of the electricity in Pakistan goes missing, half of it stolen: if there’s a power cut (which is often), they just steal the wires.

The green three eyed aliens aka little green men have a pizza on their fronts.

random facts : - The green three eyed aliens aka little green men have a pizza on their fronts.

In the Philippines , there is and island with a lake

random facts :  In the Philippines , there is and island with a lake, which has an island in it,and that island has its own lake, and in that lake there is a small island.

Regular travelers get along with people better , and fee less anxious in social situations.

random facts : - Regular travelers get along with people better , and fee less anxious in social situations.

Mustard can be used to suck the pain out of a minor burn (without opening wounds).

random facts : - Mustard can be used to suck the pain out of a minor burn (without opening wounds).

In the 1930s, penicillin was so precious that it was re-extracted from the urine of patients to conserve every bit of it.

random facts : - In the 1930s, penicillin was so precious that it was re-extracted from the urine of patients to conserve every bit of it.

To get a song out of your head , try doing something like a puzzle or sudoku.

random facts : - To get a song out of your head , try doing something like a puzzle or sudoku.

Top 5 interesting facts about eggs

Here is the top 5 interesting facts about eggs : -  1- It takes an hour to soft-boil an ostrich egg and an hour and a half to hard-boil one. 2- The platypus and the echidna are the only mammals that could make their own custard: they both lay eggs and produce milk. 3- Elizabeth Taylor lived to be 79 but she never learned to boil an egg. 4- In 2011, a 61-year-old woman gave birth to her own grandson. The baby was conceived with an egg donated by her 35-year-old daughter. 5- The tall chef ’s hat or toque blanche traditionally had a hundred pleats to represent the number of ways an egg could be cooked.

Top 30 fun Chuck Norris jokes of the day – Sept 30th , 2013

# Chuck Norris doesn’t wash his clothes, he disembowels them. # A Handicapped parking sign does not signify that this spot is for handicapped people. It is actually in fact a warning, that the spot belongs to Chuck Norris and that you will be handicapped if you park there. # Chuck Norris will attain statehood in 2009. His state flower will be the Magnolia. # Someone once videotaped Chuck Norris getting pissed off. It was called Walker: Texas Chain Saw Massacre. # If you spell Chuck Norris in Scrabble, you win. Forever. # Chuck Norris originally appeared in the "Street Fighter II" video game, but was removed by Beta Testers because every button caused him to do a roundhouse kick. When asked bout this "glitch," Norris replied, "That's no glitch." # Fool me once, shame on you. Fool Chuck Norris once and he will roundhouse you in the face. # The opening scene of the movie "Saving Private Ryan" is loosely based on games of dodgeball Chuck Norris p

Top 7 interesting Facts For The Fans of Movie “The Mask”

The Mask is a 1994 American superhero fantasy action comedy film based on a series of comic books published by Dark Horse Comics. 1. The director’s film begins with a prologue showing the arrival Viking ship at North America in the 11th century. The Vikings landed on the shore, buried a chest with a mask of the god Loki and removed. 2. In the film, Loki is called “the god of evil”, which he did not. However, given the nature of Loki is true enough – in Norse mythology, its distinctive features are the duplicity, resourcefulness, cunning and guile. 3. Night Club Coco Bongo,  is the name of Jim Carrey’s club in Cancun, Mexico. 4. Directed by Chuck Russell, he said that the project was originally “Mask” was conceived as a fairly hard horror film based on the comic book of the same name (which was rated for adults and characterized by naturalistic image of violence), but later transformed into a comedy, Jim Carrey became a benefit. 5.  Hero Jim Carrey was a big fan of cartoons. It was ther

In their most productive week during the making of Toy Story,Pixar completed 3.5 minutes of animation

8fact : - In their most productive week during the making of Toy Story,Pixar completed 3.5 minutes of animation

Top interesting facts about Dolphins

Here is the top interesting facts about Dolphins :-  1- Dolphins shed the top layer of their skin every two hours. 2- The opposite of plankton is nekton – creatures that move through water at will, rather than merely drifting. Fish, dolphins and humans are nekton. 3- Tümmler is German for a bottle-nosed dolphin.

Google has a "dog policy"', and staff can bring their dogs to the office.

Randoms facts : Google has a "dog policy"', and staff can bring their dogs to the office.

Hedgehogs are known as the gardener's friend,because they will eat slugs,beetles,caterpillars,etc.,and do no harm.

randoms facts : Hedgehogs are known as the gardener's friend,because they will eat slugs,beetles,caterpillars,etc.,and do no harm.

The best-selling work of fiction of the 15th century was " The Tale of the Two Lovers," an erotic novel by the man who later become Pope Pius II.

randoms fact : The best-selling work of fiction of the 15th century was " The Tale of the Two Lovers," an erotic novel by the man who later become Pope Pius II.

Gymnophoria is the sense that someone is mentally undressing you.

randoms facts : Gymnophoria is the sense that someone is mentally undressing you.

NASA will pay $15,000 to anyone who is willing to sit in bed for 87 days to research the effect of zero gravity.

Randoms facts : NASA will pay $15,000 to anyone who is willing to sit in bed for 87 days to research the effect of zero gravity.

Top 4 interesting facts about dogs

Here is the top 4 interesting facts about dogs  1- Dogs can smell where electric current has been and human fingerprints that are a week old.    2- A dog has the same ecological footprint as two Toyota Landcruisers. 3- Cat originally meant ‘dog’. The word comes from the Latin catulus, a small dog or puppy. 4- The name Canary Islands comes from the Latin for ‘Isle of Dogs’.

Humans get less sleep , and less deep sleep, around the full moon , even if they sleep in a windowless room.

Random facts : -  Humans get less sleep , and less deep sleep, around the full moon , even if they sleep in a windowless room.

A Giraffe sleeps for only hours a day

Giraffes are the world's tallest mammals, thanks to their towering legs and long necks. A giraffe's legs alone are taller than many humans—about 6 feet (1.8 meters). These long legs allow giraffes to run as fast as 35 miles (56 kilometers) an hour over short distances and cruise comfortably at 10 miles (16 kilometers) an hour over longer distances.                                 random facts : - A Giraffe sleeps for only hours a day

Top 5 interesting facts about Doctors

Here is the top 5 interesting facts about Doctors : -  1- On average, American doctors interrupt their patients within 14 seconds. 2- More than 7,000 Americans die each year and 1,500,000 are injured as a result of doctors’ bad handwriting. 3- San Marino has eight times as many doctors per person as any other country in the world. 4- The NHS has halved superbug deaths and saved 10,000 lives in the last four years simply by getting doctors and nurses to wash their hands. 5- Baseball legend Babe Ruth always wore a cabbage leaf under his cap to keep his head cool. In South Korea, this is considered unsporting, unless the player has a doctor’s note.

weird facts about Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs are a diverse group of animals of the clade Dinosauria. They first appeared during the Triassic period, 231.4 million years ago, and were the dominant terrestrial vertebrates for 135 million   years. here is two weird facts about Dinosaurs :- 1- The smallest known dinosaur was about four inches tall and weighed less than a chihuahua. 2- The amount of water on Earth is constant, and continually recycled over time: some of the water you drink will have passed through a dinosaur.

Top 3 interesting facts about coffee

Coffee is a brewed beverage prepared from the roasted seeds of several species of an evergreen shrub of the genus Coffea. Here is the top 3 interesting facts about coffee :-  1- The popular Los Angeles beverage Original New York Express Iced Coffee is made in a factory in Singapore. 2- More than 80% of the world’s population takes caffeine, in tea, coffee or cola, every day. 3- The flowers of the coffee bush smell like jasmine. 4- Every time he made a cup of coffee, Beethoven counted out exactly 60 beans to make sure it was always exactly the same strength.

Top 3 interesting facts about Crocodiles

Crocodiles or true crocodiles are large aquatic tetrapods that live throughout the tropics in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Australia. Crocodylinae, in which all its members are considered true crocodiles, is classified as a biological subfamily. Here is the top 3 interesting facts about  Crocodiles , enjoy :-- 1- The muscles that close a crocodile’s jaws exert a force equivalent to a truck falling off a cliff, but the muscles that open them are so weak that they can be kept shut by a rubber band. 2- The world’s largest known crocodile and the world’s smallest man are from the same island in the Philippines. 3- Crocodiles have no lips and can hold their breath for an hour.

There is more bacteria in your mouth than there are people in the world.

Random facts : -  There is more bacteria in your mouth than there are people in the world.

A panda spends 14-16 hours of its day simply eating bamboo.

Random facts : -  A panda spends 14-16 hours of its day simply eating bamboo.

The brain is more active at night than it is during the day.

Random facts : -  The brain is more active at night than it is during the day.

Smoking can turn nipples purple and make them fall off.

Random facts : -  Smoking can turn nipples purple and make them fall off.

Every 3 out of 4 people have glossophobia - the fear of public speaking.

Random facts :-  Every 3 out of 4 people have glossophobia - the fear of public speaking.

Kangaroos have 3 vagina's.

Random facts : -  Kangaroos have 3 vagina's.

Top 17 weird facts about death

1- The Nazis made it illegal on pain of death for apes to give the ‘Heil Hitler’ salute. 2- Emissions from car exhausts are responsible for more deaths every year than road accidents. 3- After his wife’s death, a heart-broken Benjamin Disraeli found that she’d kept all the hair from the haircuts she’d given him in 33 years of marriage. 4- Prisoners waiting to be executed on Death Row in America are given a physical beforehand, to ensure they are fit enough to die. 5- In his last week on Earth, Troy Davis, who was executed in Atlanta, Georgia, in 2011, was put on ‘death watch’ to stop him taking his own life. 6- The Death House at the State Prison in Huntsville, Texas, offers wheelchair access. 7- Kali is the Hindu goddess of death, violence, sexuality and motherly love. 8- In 2007, a Bosnian called Amir Vehabovic faked his own death to see how many people would go to his funeral. Only his mother turned up. 9- Deathwatch beetles attract mates by repeatedly banging their heads on the flo

5 interesting facts about codes

Hers is the top 5 interesting facts about codes :- 1- The world’s population spends 500,000 hours a day typing Internet security codes. 2- Jimmy Carter once sent a jacket to the dry-cleaner’s with the nuclear detonation codes still in the pocket. 3-The US tax code is four times as long as the complete works of Shakespeare. 4- The dialing code for Russia is 007. 5- Thomas Edison proposed to his second wife in Morse code.

Top 10 Chuck Norris jokes of the day

1- The quickest way to a man's heart is with Chuck Norris' fist. 2- Chuck Norris invented Kentucky Fried Chicken's famous secret recipe, with eleven herbs and spices. But nobody ever mentions the twelfth ingredient: Fear. 3- CNN was originally created as the "Chuck Norris Network" to update Americans with on-the-spot ass kicking in real-time. 4- Chuck Norris can win a game of Connect Four in only three moves. 5- There is no theory of evolution, just a list of creatures Chuck Norris allows to live. 6- Chuck Norris once ate three 72 oz. steaks in one hour. He spent the first 45 minutes having sex with his waitress. 7- What was going through the minds of all of Chuck Norris' victims before they died? His shoe. 8- Chuck Norris is the only man to ever defeat a brick wall in a game of tennis. 9- Police label anyone attacking Chuck Norris as a Code 45-11.... a suicide. 10- Chuck Norris doesn't churn butter. He roundhouse kicks the cows and the butter comes straig

Interesting facts about Viking homes

THE VIKINGS were farmers and traders. Those who could earn could earn a reasonable , living were usually content to stay where they were. Some lived In quite large towns. These were good meeting places where people brought things to buy and sell. Below Is the town of Hedeby In the land of the Danish Vikings. Like all Viking towns It was built near water. That was essential. Water was the easiest way to travel or to transport goods. Carts were s low and could not cross rough. boggy land or mountains. Facts about Viking! Homes:  1- Hedeby covered about 60 acres. This was big for a Viking town. Birka In Sweden was about half this size. 2- Most houses measured 20 by 50 feet and lasted about 30 years. When too rotten to repair. they were pulled down and rebuilt. 3- There were no windows. just a hole at the top of each end wall. 4- Cleaning the house was not very Important. Rubbish on the floor was swept out every so often.

350 slices of pizza are sold every second in America.

Random facts : -  350 slices of pizza are sold every second in America.

Babies start dreaming even before they are born

Random facts : -  Babies start dreaming even before they are born

You only have 7 seconds to make a powerful first impression when meeting someone new.

Random facts : -  You only have 7 seconds to make a powerful first impression when meeting someone new.

The dildo was invented about 15,000 years before the wheel.

Random facts :  -  The dildo was invented about 15,000 years before the wheel.

The word "nice" originally meant foolish or stupid.

Random facts : -  The word "nice" originally meant foolish or stupid.

Dogs can make about 100 different facial expressions

Random facts : -  Dogs can make about 100 different facial expressions

Facebook engineers originally wanted to name the "Like" button the "Awesome" button.

Random facts :-  Facebook engineers originally wanted to name the "Like" button the "Awesome" button.

Top 20 weird Chuck Norris Jokes and Facts

Here is the Top 20 weird Chuck Norris facts : -  1- Guns don't kill people. Chuck Norris kills People. 2- There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of animals Chuck Norris allows to live. 3- Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits. 4- The chief export of Chuck Norris is Pain. 5- There is no chin under Chuck Norris' Beard. There is only another fist. 6- Chuck Norris has two speeds. Walk, and Kill. 7- The leading causes of death in the United States are: 1. Heart Disease 2. Chuck Norris 3. Cancer. 8- Chuck Norris drives an ice cream truck covered in human skulls. 9- Chuck Norris is my Homeboy. 10- Chuck Norris doesn't go hunting.... CHUCK NORRIS GOES KILLING. 11- Chuck Norris uses pepper spray to spice up his steaks. (New!) 12- Chuck Norris once roundhouse kicked someone so hard that his foot broke the speed of light, went back in time, and killed Amelia Earhart while she was flying over the Pacific Ocean. 13- Crop circles are Chuck Norris' way of telling the world that

Falling in love costs you 2 Close friends , according to and Oxford study.

Random facts : -  Falling in love costs you 2 Close friends , according to and Oxford study.

Thinking evil thoughts and clenching your fists makes you stronger.

Random facts : -  Thinking evil thoughts and clenching your fists makes you stronger.

The moon is moving away form the Earth at a rate of about 4 cm every year.

Random facts : -  The moon is moving away form the Earth at a rate of about 4 cm every year.