What do chameleons do?
They don’t change colour to match the background. Never have; never will. Complete myth. Utter fabrication. Total lie. They change colour as a result of different emotional states. If they happen to match the background it’s entirely coincidental. Chameleons change colour when frightened or picked up or when they beat another chameleon in a fight. They change colour when a member of the opposite sex steps into view and they sometimes change colour due to fluctuations in either light or temperature. A chameleon’s skin contains several layers of specialised cells called chromataphores (from Greek chroma, colour, and pherein, to carry), each with different coloured pigments. Altering the balance between these layers causes the skin to reflect different kinds of light, making chameleons a kind of walking colour-wheel. read more : How do pearls form? 10 interesting Facts about The Eiffel Tower How do lemmings die? Why is the coast eroding? How do lemmings die? It’s odd how persistent the be...