
Showing posts from July, 2014

facts about china

some interesting facts about china 1- More people die in floods than in other types of natural disasters.The Yellow River flood in China in 1931 killed between one and four million people, and is the deadliest known natural disaster. 2- In 2007, scientists used the internet to link-up telescopes based in China, Europe and Australia to create a single telescope spanning half the Earth. 3- The heaviest building ever to have been relocated while still intact is the Fu Gang Building in the Guangxi Province of China. It weighs 15,140 tonnes (33 million pounds) and is 34 meters (111 feet) tall. It was moved a total of 35 meters (115 feet) in 11 days.

top 5 recycling facts

1- Recycling one plastic bottle saves enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for 3 hours. 2- Recycling ten drinks cans takes the same amount of energy as making one new one. 3- Recycling one glass bottle saves enough energy to power a computer for 25 minutes. 4- Recycling just one tin can save enough energy to power a television for 3 hours! 5- If you throw an aluminium can into a recycling bin, it can be recycled and ready to use again in just six weeks. 6- Recycling 1 tonne (2,205 pounds) of paper saves 17 trees from being cut down.

top 5 world war 2 facts

1- Percy Spencer (USA) invented the microwave oven in 1945, using new technology developed for military defence during the Second World War. 2- Radar was first used to detect enemy aircraft during the Second World War. 3- The first programmable computer, Colossus, was built in England during the Second World War to crack coded enemy messages.All 14 Colossus computers were destroyed after the war and the British government denied they had ever existed. 4- A chemical found in asparagus attracts fish. During the First World War,American soldiers were issued with asparagus so that if they were stranded near water they could eat the asparagus, urinate in the water and catch some fish to eat! 5- In the First World War, soldiers used the super-absorbent sphagnum moss to bandage their wounds. It can soak up four times as much blood as cotton bandages, but was a disgusting colour, like dried pus!

top 5 global warming facts

1- The effects of global warming can be extreme – rising temperatures leading to catastrophic floods and droughts could destroy many plants animals and humans in years to come. 2- Glaciers melting and sea temperatures getting warmer has caused global sea levels to rise between 10 and 25 centimetres (between 4 and 10 inches) in the last century. This is all part of global warming. 3- The World Wildlife Fund believes that climate change has wiped out all the golden toads of Costa Rica – making them one of the first victims of global warming. 4- One victim of global warming is the Ilulissat glacier in Greenland, which is melting and flowing into the sea more quickly than ever before. 5- The Arctic may be totally free of ice for 3 months each year by 2040 due to global warming.

facts about technology

1- Rubber bands last longer if they are kept in a refrigerator. 2- An average sized teacup can hold around 1 million grains of sand. 3- Electric bug-zappers actually attract bugs.They only kill a small proportion of the bugs they attract, so you may be bitten by more bugs if you have one than if you don’t! 4- There is enough lead in a pencil to draw a line that is 56 kilometres (35 miles) long.You’d need a good pencil sharpener though! 5- Marek Turowski (UK) reached a speed of 148 kilometres (92 miles) per hour driving a motorized couch in May 2007. 6- British scientists found that a robotic nose is better at detecting smells if it is given a coating of artificial bogeys! 7- Scientists are working on a ‘cloak of invisibility’ that will hide objects by making light waves flow around them, like water flowing around a rock in a river. 8- There’s a reason why tomato ketchup won’t come out of the bottle and then falls out in a huge dollop – it’s called shea...

You can open a drink with your seat belt while driving. #8fact

You can open a drink with your seat belt while driving. #8fact

Animals react to social pressure much as humans do , a study concluded. #8fact

Animals react to social pressure much as humans do , a study concluded. #8fact

Throughout the entire twilight saga , there are over 24 minutes of just staring.

Throughout the entire twilight saga , there are over 24 minutes of just staring.

Things that keep you up at night : loneliness , cold , heat, hunger , late night texsting over thinking , worries , the internet

Things that keep you up at night : loneliness , cold , heat, hunger , late night texsting over thinking , worries , the internet 

Your favorite song is probably your favorite because you associate it with an emotional event in your life.

Your favorite song is probably your favorite because you associate it with an emotional event in your life.

chocolate had an anti-bacterial effect on the mouth and protect against tooth decay.

chocolate had an anti-bacterial effect on the mouth and protect against tooth decay.

Chocolate , oysters , avocado and banana make people horny.

Chocolate , oysters , avocado and banana make people horny.

To tell pretended's impossible to sneeze while sleeping but possible to cough.

To tell pretended's impossible to sneeze while sleeping but possible to cough.

donald duck comics were banned from finland becase he doesn't wear trousers.

Donald duck comics were banned from Finland because he doesn't wear trousers.

Psychology claims that if two past lovers can remain just friends , its either they are sill in love , or never were

Psychology claims that if two past lovers can remain just friends , its either they are sill in love , or never were