
Showing posts from December, 2014

Top 20 facts about atoms

Atoms are tiny particles which build together to make every substance. An atom is the tiniest bit of any pure substance or chemical element.  You could fit two billion atoms on the full stop after this sentence.  The number of atoms in the Universe is about 10 followed by 80 zeros.  Atoms are mostly empty space dotted with a few even tinier particles called subatomic particles.  In the centre of each atom is a dense core, or nucleus, made from two kinds of particle: protons and neutrons. Protons have a positive electrical charge, and neutrons none.  Both protons and neutrons are made from different combinations of quarks (see quarks).  If an atom were the size of a sports arena, its nucleus would be just the size of a pea.  Around the nucleus whizz even tinier, negatively-charged particles called electrons (see electrons).  Atoms can be split but they are usually held together by three forces: the electrical attraction between positive protons and...

top 7 interesting facts about Doctors

Here is the top 5 interesting facts about Doctors : -  1.           Doctor’s rigorous training ensures at a minimum a very high level of competency and professionalism .  Dr Mohammed Saed of Bradford England practiced as a doctor for over 30 years, during which time he prescribed creosote and suppositories to be taken orally, misdiagnosed everything from heart disease to a brain tumour the size of an orange. A whistle blowing pharmacist finally put an end to his practice (or should that practicing) when he prescribed cough medicine as a scalp tonic. 2.         Male doctors are best .  An analysis of almost 5,000 doctors and dentists referred to the National Clinical Assessment Service over the past eight years because of worries about their performance shows men outnumbering their female colleagues by 3-1. 3.         Older more experienced doctors are be...